Dave Evans learned early in his career that understanding is critical to meeting technical, organizational, and schedule challenges. But it’s just one of three pillars for success. It must feed into an informed plan of action, followed by diligent execution. As an executive, he provides oversight through a clear accountability system to ensure behaviors and actions are in line with company culture and objectives. This has been his approach as a leader on many successful product launches. While product success is never guaranteed, in Dave’s experience, there is no challenge too great for an organization to overcome where the leadership team fosters employee empowerment in this manner.

Cerebras Systems is revolutionizing compute for Deep Learning. They are a team of pioneering computer architects, computer scientists, and deep learning researchers. Cerebras has built a new class of computer systems that accelerates artificial intelligence by orders of magnitude beyond the current state of the art.

To learn more about Cerebras, visit https://cerebras.net/.