For many companies today, replacing an executive is a reactive experience. Most companies do not start a search until someone leaves unexpectedly or a termination takes place. This can lead to lost opportunity costs, lack of diversity and stress until a new, trusted leader is in place.
Our Leadership Pipeline Program is a proactive, anticipatory approach to executive search that enables companies to meet the best talent well before the need, maintaining a relationship and confidentiality until it’s time to bring them on board.
In addition to being proactive, our program addresses the limitations of using solely internal candidates in succession planning and places a higher emphasis on diversity. Think of it as external succession planning that complements your internal succession plan.
By using our unique Leadership Pipeline Program, our clients benefit from a long-term, highly strategic external succession plan that considers both internal and external star candidates, while ensuring diversity of race, gender, industry, and thought innovation. This process keeps our clients’ succession plans robust and diverse while maintaining confidentiality and excellence.